Jorge Luis Bernal was born in Havana, raised in Jersey City and attended art school in South Florida. He received his MFA in architecture from Virginia Tech and a BFA from Florida International University in ceramics and art history. He spent most of his earlier career practicing architecture, teaching college and high school for which he got art teaching certifications. Bernal moved to Santa Fe in 2013 and soon after started teaching workshops at the Encaustic Art Institute. He is now a full-time studio artist and teaches workshops from his Santa Fe, New Mexico studio.
Jorge Luis Bernal was born in Havana, raised in Jersey City and attended art school in South Florida. He received his MFA in architecture from Virginia Tech and a BFA from Florida International University in ceramics and art history. He spent most of his earlier career practicing architecture, teaching college and high school for which he got art teaching certifications. Bernal moved to Santa Fe in 2013 and soon after started teaching workshops at the Encaustic Art Institute. He is now a full-time studio artist and teaches workshops from his Santa Fe, New Mexico studio.